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About Our Water
The story of ATONO2
starts from 'the water' for the skin.
Water is an important component that makes up 2/3 of the human body.
Like drinking quality water for the start of a healthy lifestyle,
using quality water for your skin will help it stay healthy.
Where did the drinkable,
safe water, Spau+ come from?
Water that was enjoyed by the upper class of the Roman Empire. The Romans who had constantly been on battles invaded Leige in Belgium and discovered mineral water called 'Spaw'. The effects of the mineral water were seen by the Roman soldiers. Since then, the region became a popular place for the upper classof the Roman Empire to enjoy their holidays and socialize, which became the origin of the word Spa.

With the spa water strictly protected from pollution over 100 years and accredited by the Belgian Association of Public Health to be safe for children and the elderly, ATONO2 provides rest for your skin.
The moisturizing power of your skin
Liposome Capsulation
CERA-SOME is the moisturizing
ingredient ceramide encapsulated
to hydrate skin from inside out.
Calming Green Complex
The 7 plant-based ingredients soothe and moisturize
your baby's dry, itchy skin to restore the health.
(Ultra-low temperature extraction used to protect nutrients)
